Saturday, August 7, 2021

I got a tattoo

It's  temporary.  Because, well, needles.  I try to get out to the farmer's market every Saturday morning. There are always good things to be found there. 

while we grow our own beef and pork, we don't get brats made very often, so I support the local meat vendor by buying brats. He sits next to the popcorn guy. And I love kettle corn. I buy a bag or two every week. More if we are having a family party. There is always baked goodies. The Amish bakery brings bread, cookies, pies, and cinnamon rolls. And another meat supplier, brings baked treats in addition to there home grown beef. 

Currently there is also sweet corn to be had, and green beans, and peppers, and tomatoes, and broccoli, and potatoes.  

Plus there is Malley Farms Jams and other jarred goodies. Today was sweet corn salsa day! And a new peach jam.

And I can't forget, fresh flowers.  

Today I bought oranges and purples. 

I love Farmer's Market.

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