We bought chicks. Every time we buy chicks I say I won't do it again.
And then I do.
Right before the shelter in place order, we went to pick up a piece of farm equipment. As we passed a farm store on the way home, I said something about chickens to my husband. He offered to stop and see if they had chicks. They didn't. So, we checked the farm store across town, they did. They had 10 amercauna chicks. We bought all 10, I was hoping for a variety, but I like these little brown amercaunas. They are likely a cross, but I've had good luck with all the little wheaten brown color ones laying green eggs.
The babies came home in two boxes. We had a weak one who I held and kept warm, and gave extra fluids and electrolytes, but she didn't make it. It does happen, chicks are pretty delicate for all the travel they do to the stores.
And like an open bag of chips... I kept going.
A couple days later getting feed at the local farm store, I bought four more chicks, two asian blacks and two golden comets.
But I wasn't done, either! The store that usually gets the best variety had what I wanted originally a few days later. So I drove 30 minutes away to buy the last Buff Orpington chicks. And I added two Rhode Island Reds.
Yeah. The Buffs are totally worth it. Look how cuddly this little stinker is.
You'd think for someone who didn't want chicks, I'd quit at 18 chicks with a one loss already... yeah..... nope.
Two weeks later the husband called from the road, where he was looking at a bin of sapphire gem chicks.
So he bought five more chicks.
They looked like little penguins. They are getting out with pretty, soft, grey feathers.
So, yeah after the gnat tragedy two years ago I swore I wouldn't get more babies.... but I panic bought chickens.
Other people hoarded T.P.
I bought chickens.
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