Back in November we acquired two male alpacas from a neighbor. My husband agreed to buy the rest of the herd from him, too. Now we also have four female alpacas, three of which are pregnant.
Aren't they cute?

The boys don't seem to be particularly impressed with the fence that separates them from their girls; they spend quite a bit of time looking at them through the fence.
The boys like to rest their chins on the gate.Scott and I find this quite amusing.

This is Dee, she is pregnant, due at the end of the month. She is the first one to take food from your hand if you offer it. Her color is Medium Fawn and she has a white patch on her neck.
This next girl is Spice. She is not as quit to an offered snack as Dee, and wont get between her and food. She is quiet and sweet. Scott and I think her hair style makes her look like one of the WB cartoon sheep dogs. She is Medium Rose-Gray. She is also pregnant, and due at the end of the month.
This is Pearl, I like to call her Pearly Girl,She'll take treats from my hand if Dee doesn't bully her out of the way. She is only two years old this year, and not pregnant. She's White, no fancy term for the white, just white. She is Crescendo's daughter, she stayed with her at their old home for an extra week.

She has been here for a week and a half and still nothing has happened If she grazes 30 feet from the others we start to think something is going to happen, if she lays down we start to think something might happen. if she flips her tail we think something might happen. And yet, nothing has.
I guess a watched alpaca does not drop a cria. It is making Scott very nervous, more nervous than when his own children were born.
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