We'll be having a cook-out here on Memorial day, and at that time it will be one month since we had the house tidied up (tidy for us anyway) for First Communion. I have managed to keep the piles from taking over and even get a few more piles cleaned up. It helps that Scott is coming home more regularly with the change in job. I have back up and accountability more often than just the week-ends. Still, I'm awfully impressed with myself.
I have been trying to sit down and get some pictures edited on regular basis, but I still can only do so many things in a day.
I'm ready for summer vacation so that I don't have to get kids ready in the morning and so I can be free of homework! Plus the gas savings will be nice!
Who know I might actually get to climb on a beastie and ride. For now the Beasts are pretty happy out in the grass, especially since the fence to the big pasture got fixed.

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