Sunday, December 28, 2008

A belated Merry Christmas!

I was going to make this post before the holiday, several times, if fact I thought about it but I decided to wait until the actual day was closer. Now it is past. Sorta. 12 days of Christmas and the Epiphany, mean I can slip this in now, I think, only semi-belated.

This is the boys and their cousins on my side of the family. Daniel as Joseph, Grace as Mary, Thomas as the Wiseman in green, Ian as the Wiseman in red, Jamie as the Wiseman in Purple, Samuel as the Angel, and Benjamin as Baby Jesus. Daniel, Grace and Thomas are my sidter's children, and Samuel and Benjamin, belong to Matt and Chris.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Last Sunday...

We took the kids to the local coffee house for hot cocoa and treats rather than our usual coffee and donuts. They sang the Hot Hot Hot song from Polar Express the whole way there .
I was not quick enough on the trigger to get the untouched whipped cream swirl as Jamie dove in.

I did get the whipped cream mustache, however.

And I had to get a shot of Mini-Poppy, cleaning the side of the cup. Just like my Dad, his Poppy would.